Abschiedslied WoO VI/27
for mixed voice unaccompanied choir
Text: Margaret von Seydewitz
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Reger-Werkausgabe | Bd. II/9: Werke für gemischten Chor a cappella II, S. 158–159. |
Herausgeber | Christopher Grafschmidt. Unter Mitarbeit von Nikolaos Beer, Stefan König und Dennis Ried. |
Verlag | Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart; Verlagsnummer: CV 52.816. |
Erscheinungsdatum | Oktober 2021. |
Notensatz | Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart. |
Copyright | 2021 by Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart and Max-Reger-Institut, Karlsruhe – CV 52.816. Vervielfältigungen jeglicher Art sind gesetzlich verboten. / Any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited by law. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. / All rights reserved. |
ISMN | M-007-26186-3. |
ISBN | 978-3-89948-418-2. |
Used for comparison purposes in RWA: Margaret von Seydewitz: [Was ist es, das so traurig klingt…], in:
Fritz Stein: Eine unbekannte A cappella-Komposition Max Regers,
Copy shown in RWA: unknown
Note: Vorlage: Manuskript (verschollen). Für die RWA zu Vergleichszwecken herangezogen wurde der Beitrag zu einer unveröffentlichten Festschrift Eine unbekannte A cappella-Komposition Max Regers, in dem Fritz Stein das Gedicht zitiert.
1. Composition and Publication
At the end of April 1914 Fritz Stein was appointed Reger’s successor as court Kapellmeister to the Duke of Meiningen with effect from 1 October.1 Consequently Stein had to give up his positions in Jena, including that of University Music Director. This also applied to the directorship of the Academic Chorus which he had founded. A farewell ceremony was planned for 16 July, at which a vocal work by Reger written for this occasion was to be performed as a surprise. Margaret von Seydewitz, a member of the chorus, wrote a fitting poem for the occasion.
In May, following a breakdown after a concert in Hagen at the end of February, Reger was still recuperating at Schneewinkl near Berchtesgaden. The composition could have been written there or in Meiningen, after he had resumed his duties at the end of May. At any rate, according to Stein, Reger responded “to this request with agreeable willingness and sent the small composition with his characteristic swiftness ‘by return of post’ ” 2. Stein received the autograph manuscript as a lavishly-bound present.
When Stein suggested in 1948 that “all friends of Reger will be sure to be interested in this modest parergon to the master’s unaccompanied output, which in any case is small” 3, it is unclear whether he was referring to a publication he was planning. At any rate, the Abschiedslied was published for the first time in 1961 in Vol. 27 of the Complete Edition, edited by Hermann Grabner.
Translation by Elizabeth Robinson.
1. Reception
At present, there are no records of performances in Reger's time.
1. Quellenbewertung
Der Edition liegt als Leitquelle das Autograph zugrunde.
2. Sources
- Autograph
- Posthume Erstausgabe
Object reference
Max Reger: Abschiedslied WoO VI/27, in: Reger-Werkausgabe, www.reger-werkausgabe.de/mri_work_00222.html, version 3.1.1, 7th January 2025.
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