Glück op. 76 No. 16
Version for middle voice and orchestra
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- Schlichte Weisen op. 76 Bd. II for voice and piano
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Reger-Werkausgabe | Bd. II/6: Lieder mit Orchesterbegleitung, S. 106–111. |
Herausgeber | Christopher Grafschmidt, Claudia Seidl. Unter Mitarbeit von Knud Breyer und Stefan König. |
Verlag | Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart; Verlagsnummer: CV 52.813. |
Erscheinungsdatum | September 2023. |
Notensatz | Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart. |
Copyright | 2023 by Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart and Max-Reger-Institut, Karlsruhe – CV 52.813. Vervielfältigungen jeglicher Art sind gesetzlich verboten. / Any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited by law. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. / All rights reserved. |
ISMN | 979-0-007-30199-6. |
ISBN | 978-3-89948-446-5. |
Ernst Ludwig Schellenberg: Glück, in:
id.: Aus Leben und Einsamkeit. Ein Heft Gedichte, Modernes Verlagsbureau Curt Wigand, Leipzig and Berlin
Used for comparison purposes in RWA: First edition
Copy shown in RWA: DE, Karlsruhe, Max-Reger-Institut/Elsa-Reger-Stiftung, G.
Note: In Erstausgabe innerhalb der Sektion “An dich”.
Note: Reger verwendete als Vorlage nicht den Erstdruck, sondern vermutlich eine Abschrift durch den Dichter.
Note: Am 6. Dezember 1905 (Postkarte; HfM Franz Liszt Weimar, Hochschularchiv / Thüringisches Landesmusikarchiv: NELb 13/2), also nach der Komposition von Glück, brachte Reger gegenüber Schellenberg seine Vorfreude auf die offenbar vom Dichter angekündigte Zusendung des Gedichtbandes Aus Leben und Einsamkeit zum Ausdruck und äußerte die Hoffnung, “in dem neuen Buch nochmal Gedichte” zu finden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt kannte Reger die im Frühjahr desselben Jahres erschienene Gedichtsammlung also noch nicht. (Vgl. Rezension von Wilhelm Arminius in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung München, 108. Jg., Nr. 84 (9. April 1905), S. 61 f.)
1. Composition and Publication
After his collapse in late February 1914 (see The biographical context), Reger initially tried to keep up appearances. But on 9 March, Elsa Reger reported that her husband had been “quite distraught” and had told her “I can no longer hear any music […], everything is quiet inside me” (letter to Fritz and Gretel Stein). He was faced with the prospect of enforced rest from work (at least officially) during his imminent health cure in Merano, and this might have been what prompted him to embark hurriedly on further orchestrations of his songs, in order to find his way back to normality before his cure began. In a letter to Hugo Bock, he also outlined a further reason: “[…] it is gradually becoming necessary to have my best-known and most popular songs orchestrated, […] so it is best if I take care of this myself. Then the songs will be orchestrated in such a way that they sound really excellent; I would also like the simplest possible orchestration in all cases, so that every orchestra, even the smallest, will always have the necessary forces for it”. (Letter of 16 March 1914)1
Reger sent this “credo” to Bote & Bock on 16 March 1914, together with his orchestration of Glück op. 76 no. 16 for purposes of publication. Three days later, this was followed by Des Kindes Gebet op. 76 no. 22 and Mittag op. 76 no. 35.2 At the same time, he added: “For the time being, I regard these two songs as bringing to a close the series of my songs that are to be orchestrated.”
Reger corrected the proofs for these songs in early May, just after having begun a follow-up cure in Schneewinkl-Lehn near Berchtesgaden, the summer home of his mother-in-law, Auguste von Bagenski. (See his letter of 4 May 1914 to Hugo Bock.) There is no record of just when the first editions of these songs were published.3 The title page of each of them lists all five of Reger’s orchestrated songs that had hitherto been published by Bote & Bock.
Translation by Chris Walton.
1. Early reception
There is no record of any contemporary performances having taken place.1
Translation by Chris Walton.
1. Stemma

2. Quellenbewertung
Der Edition liegt als Leitquelle der Erstdruck zugrunde. Als Referenzquelle wurde der Erstdruck des Klavierlieds herangezogen, in seltenen Fällen auch dessen Stichvorlage, die Reger zum Zeitpunkt der Bearbeitung jedoch nicht vorlag.
3. Sources
- Stichvorlage
- Erstdruck
- Erstdruck
Object reference
Max Reger: Glück op. 76 No. 16, in: Reger-Werkausgabe,, version 3.1.1, 31st January 2025.
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